Solving Equations


When solving an equation, students are solving to find the number that is missing. This missing number is usually shown as a letter (variable).  To “solve an equation”  they are finding the value of the letter (variable) that is missing. Students will extend their visual balance model strategies of “doing the same thing to both sides” to include mathematical operations to solve multi-step equations.

How does the “Same to Both Sides” Method work?

The “Same to Both Sides” method works by isolating the constant terms on one side of the equation and variable terms on the other side by undoing the mathematical operations. Undoing means to do the opposite mathematical operation that is currently in your equation. Students are reminded to keep the equation in balance, they must perform the same mathematical operation on both sides of the equal sign as they are isolating these terms.



Click here for a video tutorial on solving equations using this same to both sides method.

Once the value for the variable is found, this solution should be put back into the original equation to see if it is correct.  This method of checking your work is the best way to be sure the solution is correct.

vbs-checkReady to try some problems on your own?  Click here for khan academy practice on solving equations with variables on both sides.  Don’t forget to check your work!

How does this method apply to equations when fractions are involved?


Click here for a video to further explain how to solve equations with fractions.  When your finished try some problems on your own by clicking here.  Good luck!

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